As an industry, we could quickly establish benchmarks for success - not just based on our personal experiences- but in the collective experiences of very clear strategies laid bare for everyone to dissect. Well, that all went out the window with social media. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram's numbers were always a joke. In days of yore, company valuation was based on revenues, assets, and human capital, and performance. That all changed when someone came up with the concept of "daily active users." The race to gain mobile phone number list users became the driving force for social media platforms in a way that we've never seen before.
Now, the obsession with user growth opened the door to advertising and marketing fraud on a scale that just wasn't possible previously. Let's get mobile phone number list something clear: any platform that allows for people to create thousands of fake profiles so others can buy likes, followers, retweets, or shares is toxic to advertisers and brands alike. Now, I understand that the word "allows" is doing a lot of work in that sentence, so let me expand a bit what I mean. I don't think I'll get many arguments when I say mobile phone number list that -regardless of what I think of them- the most successful social media platforms on the planet are also some of the most sophisticated technological enterprises on the planet.
They have -arguably- some of the best AI around, as their entire business models revolve around being able to crunch numbers, facts, and mobile phone number list obscure pieces of data millions of times a second. They are also massive corporations, with an army of lawyers and IP bulldogs waiting to protect their brand against any hostile outside forces. So explain to me, how is it, that even after all we have seen in the news people can still buy Facebook likes, or Twitter followers, or Instagram fans? The reason: it was always a scam. And we got conned along with everyone else. If your company is valued on your number of users and the activity of those users on your platform,